Mid Century Modern: Images for Episode 90

Above, a 1967 artist's conception of the proposed Tomlinson Theater complex and adjacent buildings. 

Below, a photo of what the neighborhood looked liked before demolition and construction of the Annenberg School of Communications at Temple.

October 18, 1968: The dedication ceremony of Tomlinson Theater. Standing on the raised plaza in front of the theater are, from left to right: Dr. Millard Gladfelter, Temple University President Dr. Paul R. Anderson, Dr. William West Tomlinson, and Rebecca Tomlinson:

From the firm of Nolen, Swinburn and Associates, the original conception of the audience section of Tomlinson Theater. Here we can see how its capacious stage could be closed off by a moveable screen or curtain:

The actor Bruce Siddons, as Oronte, and future playwright Albert Innaurato, as Tartuffe, in the October 1968 Temple Theater Department official production at the Tomlinson of Tartuffe

An article from the Philadelphia Inquirer about President Richard Nixon honoring his friend and supporter Walter H. Annenberg, on the dedication of the Annenberg Center at the University of Pennsylvania:

An architectural model of the Annenberg Center, from the University of Pennsylvania archives:

Left, a newspaper ad for the April 1971 production of St. Joan of the Stockyards. Right, a photo published in Newsweek magazine, accompanying Jack Kroll's review of the play, showing Laura Esterman as Joan and Richard Ramos as Mauler.

Below, two photos from the archives of the City of Philadelphia, showing the Walnut Street Theatre before and during the 1970 renovations and rebuilding, and then a final photo, from the collection of the Walnut Street Theatre itself, showing the facade of the Walnut in 1971, after the renovations had been completed:

Finally, some photos from the future!

1) An artist's rendering of the proposed new home for the Klein College of Media and Communications - including the Temple Theater Department - on N. Broad Street, designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. (Notably, the Annenberg name has been dropped in relation to the school. Presumably the Tomlinson Theater - and perhaps the entire present Klein School complex along 13th Street between Norris and Diamond will be demolished)

2) From the Annenberg Center's website, the University of Pennsylvania's rendering of the upcoming revisions of Vincent Kling's original design - the website notes that they are "subject to change". Note that both these rendering emphasize PEOPLE in them, not just the architectural forms. 

3) Photos  recently shared by the Walnut's longtime Business Manager, Mark Sylvester, showing the recent 2024 renovations of the Walnut's facade and interior: