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Season 1

Sept. 16, 2022

Jasper Deeter and the Hedgerow Theatre

Jasper Deeter formed Philadelphia's oldest repertory theater company in 1923. Though seemingly self-isolated in the small and intense community of theater workers he had founded, his work as a director, actor, visionary and ...

Listen to the Episode
July 29, 2022

35. The Paul Robeson House

This special episode of the podcast goes on a journey to the Paul Robeson House and Museum. We learn about Robeson's many connections to Philadelphia.

Listen to the Episode
July 8, 2022

34. "Good Night Sweet Prince: John Barrymore Comes Home" - Special Ep…

Like the ghost of Hamlet's father, John Barrymore wouldn't stay still and kept showing up! A chapter about Philadelphia's most famous acting family, from Wicked Philadelphia, a book by Thomas H. Keels.

Listen to the Episode
June 17, 2022

33. Life & Death in the Theater: More 19th Century Stories

Six stories of 19th century Philadelphia theater. We discuss Alexander Reinagle, Joseph Jefferson III, James Murdoch, Matilda Heron, John McCullough - as well as two stagehands at the Walnut Street Theater you likely never heard of before, but may never forget!

Listen to the Episode
June 3, 2022

32. Philadelphia's 'Negro Unit' of the Federal Theatre Project: A Con…

The history of the Philadelphia "Negro Unit" of the Federal Theatre Project in the 1930s - specifically the history of three plays produced by the FTP at the Walnut Street Theatre.

Listen to the Episode
May 6, 2022

31. Interview: Mary B. Robinson

The distinguished director discusses her tenure at the Philadelphia Drama Guild in the 1990s.

Listen to the Episode
April 18, 2022

30. The Best of Times

We describe the theaters, plays and people of the years 1876 to 1896, a mostly forgotten era of Philadelphia theater history.

Listen to the Episode
March 25, 2022

29. The Black Booth: Part Two

John A. Arneaux plays "Richard III" at the Academy of Music, then mysteriously exits the American stage. His co-star, the actor Henri Strange, remains - and strives to create a Shakespeare theater for Philadelphia's Black audiences.

Listen to the Episode
March 4, 2022

28. The Black Booth: Part One

John A. Arneaux starred in a one-night all-Black production of Shakespeare's "Richard III' at the Academy of Music in January 1887. Who was he, where had he come from, and why had he chosen Philadelphia for this audacious feat?

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 11, 2022

27. The Mischianza

Before ending their occupation of Philadelphia in 1778, the British Army threw themselves a hell of a theatre party!

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 28, 2022

26. The Everlasting Minstrel Show

The story of one of America's most infamous - and influential - performance traditions, as it specifically relates to the history of theater in Philadelphia.

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 14, 2022

25. The Charlotte Cushman Club

The famous 19th century American tragic actress - and the 2Oth century Philadelphia women who founded an organization in her honor.

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 31, 2021

24. The Mummers Parade: An interview with Dr. Christian DuComb - Spec…

Mike Lueger of "The Theatre History Podcast" interviews Dr. Christian DuComb about the history of Philadelphia Mummers Parade, the history behind the iconic annual Philadelphia event, and the 'Mummers Wench'.

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 17, 2021

23. The Academy of Music

What was Philadelphia to do, in an age when theater audiences were Running Riot? Build them an Academy, and fill it with Grand Opera.

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 3, 2021

22. Theater of Cruelty

Bad behavior, bigotry and boorishness were often on display in early 19th Century Philadelphia audiences.

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 19, 2021

21. "I Fear No One" - Native American Performance in 19th Century Phi…

In honor of Native American Heritage Month, an exploration of performances by Indigenous People in theaters of the City of Philadelphia. We also cover plays by white performers that supposedly depicted Native people and stories in that period.

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 5, 2021

20. The Duchess of Arch Street, Part Two

We continue our story of Louisa Lane Drew's life and career, covering the period from 1862 to 1897.

Listen to the Episode
Oct. 15, 2021

19. The Duchess of Arch Street, Part One

We begin the story of Louisa Lane Drew's early years, long before she became the grandmother of All Them Barrymores.

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 24, 2021

18. Fanny Kemble, Part Two

Fanny Kemble learns how she herself has become implicated in the horrors of slavery. She finally escapes her marriage, and finds a new career on stage.

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 10, 2021

17. Fanny Kemble, Part One

The actress would help to change the role of women on the American stage, and her visit to Philadelphia would have a transformative effect on her own life.

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 20, 2021

16. Forrest of Philadelphia, Part Three

Edwin Forrest returns to his home city in the final decades of his life. After death, he creates a long-term legacy in Philadelphia.

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 6, 2021

15. Forrest of Philadelphia, Part Two

We cover the period from 1829 to 1836, when Forrest was building the great repertoire of roles that would shape his career: Metamora, Spartacus, and Jack Cade.

Listen to the Episode
July 23, 2021

14. Interview by "The Theatre History Podcast"

This is an edited version of the interview with Peter Schmitz by Mike Lueger of "The Theatre History Podcast".

Listen to the Episode
July 9, 2021

13. Forrest of Philadelphia, Part One

We begin the story of Philadelphia's own Edwin Forrest, the first great star of the American stage! We follow him from birth, through his early years, to his initial success.

Listen to the Episode